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"Target a location on the map to send enemy units flying, stunning them for a few seconds."
In-game description
Shockwave is an Atlantean Archaic Age god power in Age of Mythology that is available to worshipers of Oranos. When invoked, it generates a strong energy wave which scatters enemy units in a relatively small radius, and stuns them for two seconds.
Once invoked, scattered units are dealt 50 crush damage and are stunned for two seconds and are unable to defend themselves. This makes the units hit vulnerable to attack. Shockwave can either disperse a meat shield, allowing the player's own soldiers to pick out individual units, or make raiding more efficient by preventing villagers from escaping as quickly. The power itself does little to no damage so it should not be used if it cannot be followed up with an attack. However, it can also be used defensively such as for saving Citizens from an enemy raid.
- Although this is an Atlantean god power, the character depicted in the pre-Retold icon is the Greek hero Theseus, minus some of his armor and weapons. In Retold, it depicts a Peltast.
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