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God powers are powerful abilities given whenever advancing an Age in Age of Mythology. Most god powers are straight forward, but some have alternate uses. They generally become stronger with each passing Age: while those god powers that correspond to the Archaic Age powers typically provide a minor economic or military boost, those that come in the Mythic Age are very capable of devastating entire cities or armies, or quickly changing the pace of the match.
In the original game and the Extended Edition, all Greek, Egyptian, and Norse god powers are single-use only. The Atlanteans are the only civilization to have reusable god powers, with a cooldown after every use, and a finite number of uses. In Retold, every god power can be reused, with each one having its own cooldown time and favor cost to reuse. Subsequent reuses will cost additional favor, though each power has its own rate of increase for each use.
List of God Powers