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Listed below are all technologies available for research in Age of Mythology. Unit and building upgrades are not included.
Economic Technologies
Economic technologies improve gather rates, carry capacity, or speed of economic units. Carry capacity and speed decrease the time units spend walking to drop off their gathered resources, thus increasing the time they spend actually gathering. With the exception of Market technologies, economic technologies never cost the resource whose gathering will be increased in any way.
Villagers, Laborers, Gatherers, and Dwarves start with carry capacities of 15 food, 10 wood, and 10 gold. Fishing Ships start with a carry capacity of 25 food. The percentage increase in carry capacity is always calculated on these base values.
Myth Technologies
Myth technologies are technologies that are only available to a single civilization and their availability depends on the gods chosen. As opposed to the other technologies, they usually cost favor. Myth technologies can be economic or military technologies.
- Due to a human error in the protox definition, the Atlanteans initially did not have access to Draft Horses. However, this was fixed in patch v1.9.
- Originally, more technologies were planned to be "less common". This conclusion can be made when considering the Multiplayer Alpha language.dll that states: "Isis grants players all common technologies".
List of Technologies