More actions
This documentation is transcluded from Module:Common/SMW/doc. Changes can be proposed in the talk page.
Module:Common/SMW is shared across multiple Wikis.
This module is shared across the Star Citizen Wikis. Any changes should also be relayed to the GitHub repository.
This module is unused.
This module is neither invoked by a template nor required/loaded by another module. If this is in error, make sure to add
/{{No documentation}}
to the calling template's or parent's module documentation.Function list |
L 15 — commonSMW.format L 76 — commonSMW.addSmwProperties L 98 — getFromArgs L 247 — commonSMW.addSmwAskProperties L 292 — commonSMW.loadSubobjects L 332 — commonSMW.setFromTable |
local commonSMW = {}
local common = require( 'Module:Common' )
local libraryUtil = require( 'libraryUtil' )
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType
local checkTypeMulti = libraryUtil.checkTypeMulti
--- Formats a value to be used by smw.set
--- @param datum table An entry from data.json
--- @param val any The value to be formatted
--- @param moduleConfig table Optional, only used for multilingual text (phasing out)
--- @param lang table Content language, uses page language if not set
--- @return any The formatted value
function commonSMW.format( datum, val, moduleConfig, lang )
datum = datum or {}
moduleConfig = moduleConfig or { smw_multilingual_text = false }
-- Format number for SMW
if datum.type == 'number' then
val = common.formatNum( val )
-- Multilingual Text, add a suffix
elseif datum.type == 'multilingual_text' and moduleConfig.smw_multilingual_text == true then
-- FIXME: This is a temp fix to handle tables in val (d280346 in API), need some clean up
if type( val ) == 'table' then
local tmp = {}
for _, valText in ipairs( val ) do
valText = mw.ustring.format( '%s@%s', valText, moduleConfig.module_lang or mw.getContentLanguage():getCode() )
table.insert( tmp, valText )
val = tmp
val = mw.ustring.format( '%s@%s', val, moduleConfig.module_lang or mw.getContentLanguage():getCode() )
-- String format
elseif type( datum.format ) == 'string' then
if mw.ustring.find( datum.format, '%', 1, true ) then
val = mw.ustring.format( datum.format, val )
elseif datum.format == 'ucfirst' then
lang = lang or mw.getContentLanguage()
val = lang:ucfirst( val )
elseif datum.format == 'replace-dash' then
val = mw.ustring.gsub( val, '%-', ' ' )
-- Remove part of the value
elseif datum.format:sub( 1, 6 ) == 'remove' then
val = tostring( val ):gsub( mw.text.split( datum.format, ':', true )[ 2 ], '' )
-- Min/Max
elseif datum.type == 'minmax' then
val = {
common.formatNum( val.min ),
common.formatNum( val.max ),
-- 'Special' boolean case to explicitly set false
elseif datum.type == 'boolean' then
if val == true then
val = 1
val = 0
return val
--- Adds SMW properties to a table either from the API or Frame arguments
--- @param apiData table Data from the Wiki API
--- @param frameArgs table Frame args processed by Module:Arguments
--- @param smwSetObject table The SMW Object that gets passed to mw.smw.set
--- @param translateFn function The function used to translate argument names
--- @param moduleConfig table Table from config.json
--- @param moduleData table Table from data.json
--- @param moduleName string The module name used to retrieve fallback attribute names
--- @return nil
function commonSMW.addSmwProperties( apiData, frameArgs, smwSetObject, translateFn, moduleConfig, moduleData, moduleName )
checkTypeMulti( 'Module:Common/SMW.addSmwProperties', 1, apiData, { 'table', 'nil' } )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.addSmwProperties', 2, frameArgs, 'table' )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.addSmwProperties', 3, smwSetObject, 'table' )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.addSmwProperties', 4, translateFn, 'function' )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.addSmwProperties', 5, moduleConfig, 'table' )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.addSmwProperties', 6, moduleData, 'table' )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.addSmwProperties', 7, moduleName, 'string' )
local TNT = require( 'Module:Translate' ):new()
local lang
if moduleConfig.module_lang then
lang = mw.getLanguage( moduleConfig.module_lang )
lang = mw.getContentLanguage()
--- Retrieve value(s) from the frame
--- @param datum table An entry from data.smw_data
--- @param argKey string The key to use as an accessor to frameArgs
--- @return string|number|table|nil
local function getFromArgs( datum, argKey )
local value
-- Numbered parameters, e.g. URL1, URL2, URL3, etc.
if datum.type == 'range' and type( datum.max ) == 'number' then
value = {}
for i = 1, datum.max do
local argValue = frameArgs[ argKey .. i ]
if argValue then table.insert( value, argValue ) end
-- A "simple" arg
value = frameArgs[ argKey ]
return value
-- Iterate through the list of SMW attributes that shall be filled
for _, datum in ipairs( moduleData.smw_data ) do
-- Retrieve the SMW key and from where the data should be pulled
local smwKey, from
for key, get_from in pairs( datum ) do
if mw.ustring.sub( key, 1, 3 ) == 'SMW' then
smwKey = key
from = get_from or {}
if type( from ) ~= 'table' then
from = { from }
-- Iterate the list of data sources in order, later sources override previous ones
-- I.e. if the list is Frame Args, API; The api will override possible values set from the frame
for _, key in ipairs( from ) do
local parts = mw.text.split( key, '_', true )
local value
-- Re-assemble keys with multiple '_'
if #parts > 2 then
local tmp = parts[ 1 ]
table.remove( parts, 1 )
parts = {
table.concat( parts, '_' )
--mw.logObject( parts, '✂️ [Common/SMW] Found data key parts' )
-- safeguard check if we have two parts
if #parts == 2 then
-- Retrieve data from frameArgs
if parts[ 1 ] == 'ARG' then
value = getFromArgs( datum, translateFn( key ) or '<UNSET>' )
-- Use EN lang as fallback for arg names that are empty
if value == nil then
local success, translation = pcall(
string.format( 'Module:%s/i18n.json', moduleName ),
if success then
value = getFromArgs( datum, translation )
-- Retrieve data from API
elseif parts[ 1 ] == 'API' and apiData ~= nil then
-- {
-- key_access = parts[2],
-- value = apiData:get( parts[ 2 ] )
-- },
-- '📡 [Common/SMW] Retrieved API data'
value = apiData:get( parts[ 2 ] )
-- Transform value based on 'format' key
if value ~= nil then
if type( value ) ~= 'table' then
value = { value }
if datum.type == 'table' then
local api = require( 'Module:Common/Api' )
local output = {}
for _, data in ipairs( value ) do
if type( datum.data_key ) == 'string' then
table.insert( output, commonSMW.format( datum, api.makeAccessSafe( data ):get( datum.data_key ), moduleConfig, lang ) )
elseif type( data ) ~= 'table' then -- Format each value if its a normal array
table.insert( output, commonSMW.format( datum, data, moduleConfig, lang ) )
value = output
elseif datum.type == 'subobject' then
local api = require( 'Module:Common/Api' )
for _, data in ipairs( value ) do
local subobject = {}
data = api.makeAccessSafe( data )
commonSMW.addSmwProperties( data, {}, subobject, translateFn, moduleConfig, datum, moduleName )
mw.smw.subobject( subobject )
for index, val in ipairs( value ) do
local newValue = mw.clone( val )
if type( newValue ) == 'table' and datum.type ~= 'table' and datum.type ~= 'minmax' and datum.type ~= 'subobject' and datum.type ~= 'multilingual_text' then
newValue = mw.ustring.format( '!ERROR! Key %s is a table value; please fix', key )
newValue = commonSMW.format( datum, newValue, moduleConfig, lang )
table.remove( value, index )
table.insert( value, index, newValue )
if datum.type ~= 'subobject' and type( smwKey ) == 'string' then
if type( value ) == 'table' and #value == 1 then
value = value[ 1 ]
-- i18n should be present for SMW property name, but sometimes it doesn't
local smwPropName = translateFn( smwKey ) or smwKey
smwSetObject[ smwPropName ] = value
--- Adds SMW ask properties to the ask object, based on the keys defined in data.json (moduleData)
--- @param smwAskObject table The table that gets passed to mw.smw.ask
--- @param translateFn function The translate function used to translate argument names
--- @param moduleConfig table The module config from config.json
--- @param moduleData table The module data from data.json
--- @return nil
function commonSMW.addSmwAskProperties( smwAskObject, translateFn, moduleConfig, moduleData )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.addSmwAskProperties', 1, smwAskObject, 'table' )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.addSmwAskProperties', 2, translateFn, 'function' )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.addSmwAskProperties', 3, moduleConfig, 'table' )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.addSmwAskProperties', 4, moduleData, 'table' )
local langSuffix = ''
if moduleConfig.smw_multilingual_text == true then
langSuffix = '+lang=' .. ( moduleConfig.module_lang or mw.getContentLanguage():getCode() )
for _, queryPart in ipairs( moduleData.smw_data ) do
local smwKey
for key, _ in pairs( queryPart ) do
if mw.ustring.sub( key, 1, 3 ) == 'SMW' then
smwKey = key
local formatString = '?%s'
if queryPart.smw_format then
formatString = formatString .. queryPart.smw_format
-- safeguard
if smwKey ~= nil and translateFn( smwKey ) ~= nil then
table.insert( smwAskObject, mw.ustring.format( formatString, translateFn( smwKey ) ) )
if queryPart.type == 'multilingual_text' then
table.insert( smwAskObject, langSuffix )
--- Retrieve subobjects
--- @param pageName string
--- @param identifierPropKey string SMW property key used to identify subobjects
--- @param propKeys table table of SMW property keys
--- @param translateFn function The translate function used to translate argument names
--- @return table
function commonSMW.loadSubobjects( pageName, identifierPropKey, propKeys, translateFn )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.loadSubobjects', 1, pageName, 'string' )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.loadSubobjects', 2, identifierPropKey, 'string' )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.loadSubobjects', 3, propKeys, 'table' )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.loadSubobjects', 4, translateFn, 'function' )
local askQuery = {
'[[-Has subobject::' .. pageName .. ']]',
'[[' .. translateFn( identifierPropKey ) .. '::+]]'
for _, propKey in ipairs( propKeys ) do
table.insert( askQuery, mw.ustring.format( '?%s', translateFn( propKey ) ) )
table.insert( askQuery, 'mainlabel=-' )
local subobjects = mw.smw.ask( askQuery )
if subobjects == nil then return {} end
local subobjectTable = {}
for _, subobject in ipairs( subobjects ) do
if subobject[ translateFn( identifierPropKey ) ] then
table.insert( subobjectTable, subobject )
return subobjectTable
--- @param setData table Array data to be set
--- @param tableData table|nil Array data from API
--- @param nameKey string Key of the value being used as name in the SMW property
--- @param valueKey string Key of the value being used as value in the SMW property
--- @param prefix string Prefix of the SMW property name
--- @param translateFn function The translate function used to translate argument names
--- @param formatConfig table An optional format definition in the style of data.json, used for formatting
function commonSMW.setFromTable( setData, tableData, nameKey, valueKey, prefix, translateFn, formatConfig )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.setFromTable', 1, setData, 'table' )
checkTypeMulti( 'Module:Common/SMW.setFromTable', 2, tableData, { 'table', 'nil' } )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.setFromTable', 3, nameKey, 'string' )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.setFromTable', 4, valueKey, 'string' )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.setFromTable', 5, prefix, 'string' )
checkType( 'Module:Common/SMW.setFromTable', 6, translateFn, 'function' )
if tableData == nil or type( tableData ) ~= 'table' then
for _, data in pairs( tableData ) do
local name = data[nameKey] or ''
name = 'SMW_' .. prefix .. name:gsub('^%l', mw.ustring.upper):gsub( ' ', '' )
if translateFn( name ) ~= nil then
local value
value = data[valueKey]
-- Handle percentage such as 10% used in modifiers
if type( value ) == 'string' and value:find( '%d+%%' ) then
value = mw.ustring.gsub( value, '%%', '' ) / 100
setData[ translateFn( name ) ] = commonSMW.format( formatConfig, value )
return commonSMW