More actions
This documentation is transcluded from Module:I18n/doc. Changes can be proposed in the talk page.
Module:I18n is shared across multiple Wikis.
This module is shared across the Star Citizen Wikis. Any changes should also be relayed to the GitHub repository.
This module is unused.
This module is neither invoked by a template nor required/loaded by another module. If this is in error, make sure to add
/{{No documentation}}
to the calling template's or parent's module documentation.Function list |
L 25 — getNamespace L 34 — getLanguageCodes L 56 — load L 88 — methodtable.translate L 141 — |
require( 'strict' )
local i18n = {}
local metatable = {}
local methodtable = {}
metatable.__index = methodtable
local libraryUtil = require( 'libraryUtil' )
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType
--- Cache table containing i18n data
--- e.g. cache['en']['SMW'] will get you the SMW table in English
local cache = {}
--- Cache language codes for reuse
local languages = {}
--- Retrieve dataset namespace from key prefix
--- @param key string The translation key
--- @return string
local function getNamespace( key )
local namespace = string.match( key, '([^_]*)' )
return namespace
--- Retrieve a list of applicable language codes
--- @return table
local function getLanguageCodes()
if #languages > 0 then return languages end
local mwlang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local langCodes = { mwlang:getCode() }
local fallbackLangCodes = mwlang:getFallbackLanguages()
if next( fallbackLangCodes ) ~= nil then
for _, fallbackLangCode in pairs( fallbackLangCodes ) do
table.insert( langCodes, fallbackLangCode )
--mw.log( string.format( '🌐 [i18n] Setting language chain: %s', table.concat( langCodes, '→' ) ) )
return langCodes
--- Loads a dataset and saves it to the cache
--- @param lang string
--- @param namespace string
--- @return table|nil { data = "The dataset", keys = "Translation key mapped to index" }
local function load( lang, namespace )
-- Init language cache if it does not exist
if cache[ lang ] == nil then
cache[ lang ] = {}
if cache[ lang ][ namespace ] then
return cache[ lang ][ namespace ]
local datasetName = string.format( 'Module:i18n/%s/%s.json', namespace, lang )
local success, data = pcall( mw.loadJsonData, datasetName )
if not success then
--mw.log( string.format( '🚨 [i18n] Loading dataset[%s][%s]: %s not found on wiki', lang, namespace, datasetName ) )
-- Cache the empty result so we do not run mw.loadJsonData again
cache[ lang ][ namespace ] = {}
cache[ lang ][ namespace ] = data
--mw.log( string.format( '⌛ [i18n] Loading dataset[%s][%s]: %s', lang, namespace, datasetName ) )
return cache[ lang ][ namespace ]
--- Returns translated message (or key if returnKey is enabled)
--- @param key string The translation key
--- @param options table|nil Optional options
--- @return string|nil
function methodtable.translate( self, key, options )
options = options or {
['returnKey'] = true
checkType( 'Module:i18n.translate', 1, self, 'table' )
checkType( 'Module:i18n.translate', 2, key, 'string' )
checkType( 'Module:i18n.translate', 3, options, 'table' )
--mw.log( string.format( '🔍 [i18n] Looking for message: %s', key ) )
local namespace = getNamespace( key )
if namespace == nil then
-- No namespace found error
--mw.log( string.format( '❌ [i18n] Namespace cannot be found from: %s', key ) )
if options['returnKey'] == true then
return key
languages = getLanguageCodes()
local message
local i = 1
while ( message == nil and i <= #languages ) do
local dataset = load( languages[ i ], namespace )
if dataset then
local match = dataset[ key ]
if match then
message = match
--mw.log( string.format( '✅ [i18n] Found message: %s', message ) )
i = i + 1
if message == nil then
--mw.log( string.format( '❌ [i18n] Could not found message: %s', key ) )
if options['returnKey'] == true then
message = key
return message
--- New Instance
--- @return table i18n
function self )
local instance = {}
setmetatable( instance, metatable )
return instance
return i18n