More actions
This documentation is transcluded from Module:InfoboxNeue/doc. Changes can be proposed in the talk page.
Module:InfoboxNeue loads messages from Module:InfoboxNeue/i18n.json.
This module is designed to be language-neutral. All of the messages are saved in the i18n.json subpage.
This module is unused.
This module is neither invoked by a template nor required/loaded by another module. If this is in error, make sure to add
/{{No documentation}}
to the calling template's or parent's module documentation.Function list |
L 22 — t L 31 — restoreUnderscore L 37 — formatNumber L 59 — methodtable.tableToCommaList L 72 — methodtable.formatRange L 100 — methodtable.addUnitIfExists L 112 — methodtable.renderMessage L 132 — methodtable.renderImage L 179 — methodtable.renderIndicator L 225 — methodtable.renderHeader L 272 — methodtable.renderSection L 320 — methodtable.renderLinkButton L 357 — methodtable.renderFooter L 364 — isNonEmpty L 420 — methodtable.renderFooterButton L 434 — methodtable.renderItem L 512 — methodtable.renderInfobox L 522 — renderSnippet L 561 — methodtable.showDescIfDiff L 570 — InfoboxNeue.showDescIfDiff L 578 — L 609 — InfoboxNeue.fromArgs |
This module is used by Lua modules to build infobox.
Lua error at line 677: variable 'currentSection' is not declared.
infobox:renderImage( 'Maintabs Atlantean.webp' )
Parameter | Description | Type | Status |
data |
Data of the indicator | string | required |
desc |
Description of the indicator | string | optional |
class |
HTML classes to be added to the indicator | string | optional |
infobox:renderIndicator( {
data = 'Indicator'
} )
Parameter | Description | Type | Status |
title |
Title of the infobox | string | required |
subtitle |
Subtitle of the infobox | string | optional |
infobox:renderHeader( {
title = 'Title',
subtitle = 'Subtitle'
} )
This is a shortcut way to create a message wrapped in a section.
Parameter | Description | Type | Status |
title |
Title of the message | string | required |
desc |
Description of the message | string | optional |
infobox:renderMessage( {
title = 'Message title',
desc = 'Message description'
} )
Parameter | Description | Type | Status |
data |
Data of the item | string | required |
label |
Label of the item | string | optional |
desc |
Description of the item | string | optional |
row |
Whether to display the item in a row | boolean | optional |
spacebetween |
Whether to put space between elements in the item | boolean | optional |
colspan |
Number of columns that the item spans | int | optional |
infobox:renderItem( {
label = 'Item label',
data = 'Item data'
} )
This is used to wrap items into a section.
Parameter | Description | Type | Status |
content |
Content of the section | string | required |
title |
Title of the section | string | optional |
subtitle |
Subtitle of the section | string | optional |
col |
Number of columns in the section | int | optional |
class |
HTML classes to be added to the section | string | optional |
infobox:renderSection( {
title = 'Section title',
content = table.concat( sectionTable ),
col = 3
} )
Lua error at line 677: variable 'currentSection' is not declared.
-- Create items
sectionTable = {
infobox:renderItem( {
label = 'Bacon',
data = 'Good',
row = true,
spacebetween = true
} ),
infobox:renderItem( {
label = 'Pancetta',
data = 'Great',
row = true,
spacebetween = true
} ),
infobox:renderItem( {
label = 'Prosciutto',
data = 'Wonderful',
row = true,
spacebetween = true
} )
-- Create section with items
infobox:renderSection( {
title = 'Row layout',
subtitle = 'This is an example of the row layout.',
content = table.concat( sectionTable )
} )
Lua error at line 677: variable 'currentSection' is not declared.
-- Create items
sectionTable = {
infobox:renderItem( {
data = 'Bacon is good',
desc = 'Bacon ipsum dolor amet burgdoggen boudin spare ribs pork pork chop drumstick beef. Jowl turkey pork, kevin shankle shank shoulder. ',
} ),
infobox:renderItem( {
data = 'Pancetta is great',
desc = 'Kevin pig fatback, alcatra pancetta sirloin venison tri-tip shankle kielbasa meatloaf spare ribs beef. Corned beef salami kielbasa tenderloin swine spare ribs andouille.',
} ),
infobox:renderItem( {
data = 'Prosciutto is wonderful',
desc = 'Venison chicken meatloaf, ground round swine short ribs shankle short loin tenderloin jerky capicola. Prosciutto venison sirloin beef brisket pancetta.',
} )
-- Create section with items
infobox:renderSection( {
title = 'List layout',
subtitle = 'This is an example of the list layout.',
content = table.concat( sectionTable )
} )
Lua error at line 677: variable 'currentSection' is not declared.
-- Create items
sectionTable = {
infobox:renderItem( {
label = 'Bacon',
data = 'Good'
} ),
infobox:renderItem( {
label = 'Pancetta',
data = 'Great'
} ),
infobox:renderItem( {
label = 'Prosciutto',
data = 'Wonderful'
} ),
infobox:renderItem( {
label = 'Capicola',
data = 'Delightful'
} )
-- Create section with items
infobox:renderSection( {
title = '2 col grid layout',
subtitle = 'This is an example of the two column grid layout.',
content = table.concat( sectionTable ),
col = 2
} )
infobox:renderSection( {
title = '3 col grid layout',
subtitle = 'This is an example of the three column grid layout.',
content = table.concat( sectionTable ),
col = 3
} )
infobox:renderSection( {
title = '4 col grid layout',
subtitle = 'This is an example of the four column grid layout.',
content = table.concat( sectionTable ),
col = 4
} )
local InfoboxNeue = {}
local metatable = {}
local methodtable = {}
local libraryUtil = require( 'libraryUtil' )
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType
local checkTypeMulti = libraryUtil.checkTypeMulti
local i18n = require( 'Module:i18n' ):new()
metatable.__index = methodtable
metatable.__tostring = function ( self )
return tostring( self:renderInfobox() )
--- Wrapper function for Module:i18n.translate
--- @param key string The translation key
--- @return string If the key was not found, the key is returned
local function t( key )
return i18n:translate( key )
--- Helper function to restore underscore from space
--- so that it does not screw up the external link wikitext syntax
--- For some reason SMW property converts underscore into space
--- mw.uri.encode can't be used on full URL
local function restoreUnderscore( s )
return s:gsub( ' ', '%%5F' )
--- Helper function to format string to number with separators
--- It is usually use to re-format raw number from SMW into more readable format
local function formatNumber( s )
local lang = mw.getContentLanguage()
if s == nil then
if type( s ) ~= 'number' then
s = tonumber( s )
if type( s ) == 'number' then
return lang:formatNum( s )
return s
--- Put table values into a comma-separated list
--- @param data table
--- @return string
function methodtable.tableToCommaList( data )
if type( data ) == 'table' then
return table.concat( data, ', ' )
return data
--- Show range if value1 and value2 are different
--- @param s1 string|nil
--- @param s2 string|nil
--- @return string|nil
function methodtable.formatRange( s1, s2, formatNum )
if s1 == nil and s2 == nil then
formatNum = formatNum or false
if formatNum then
if s1 then
s1 = formatNumber( s1 )
if s2 then
s2 = formatNumber( s2 )
if s1 and s2 and s1 ~= s2 then
return s1 .. ' – ' .. s2
return s1 or s2
--- Append unit to the value if exists
--- @param s string
--- @param unit string
--- @return string|nil
function methodtable.addUnitIfExists( s, unit )
if s == nil then
return s .. ' ' .. unit
--- Shortcut to return the HTML of the infobox message component as string
--- @param data table {title, desc)
--- @return string html
function methodtable.renderMessage( self, data, noInsert )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderMessage', 1, self, 'table' )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderMessage', 2, data, 'table' )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderMessage', 3, noInsert, 'boolean', true )
noInsert = noInsert or false
local item = self:renderSection( { content = self:renderItem( { data = data.title, desc = data.desc } ) }, noInsert )
if not noInsert then
table.insert( self.entries, item )
return item
--- Return the HTML of the infobox image component as string
--- @param filename string
--- @return string html
function methodtable.renderImage( self, filename )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderImage', 1, self, 'table' )
local hasPlaceholderImage = false
if type( filename ) ~= 'string' and self.config.displayPlaceholder == true then
hasPlaceholderImage = true
filename = self.config.placeholderImage
-- Add tracking category for infoboxes using placeholder image
table.insert( self.categories,
string.format( '[[Category:%s]]', t( 'category_infobox_using_placeholder_image' ) )
if type( filename ) ~= 'string' then
return ''
local parts = mw.text.split( filename, ':', true )
if #parts > 1 then
table.remove( parts, 1 )
filename = table.concat( parts, ':' )
local html = mw.html.create( 'div' )
:addClass( 'infobox__image' )
:wikitext( mw.ustring.format( '[[File:%s|400px]]', filename ) )
if hasPlaceholderImage == true then
local icon = mw.html.create( 'span' ):addClass( 'citizen-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-upload' )
-- TODO: Point the Upload link to a specific file name
html:tag( 'div' ):addClass( 'infobox__image-upload' )
:wikitext( mw.ustring.format( '[[%s|%s]]', 'Special:UploadWizard',
tostring( icon ) .. t( 'label_upload_image' ) ) )
local item = tostring( html )
table.insert( self.entries, item )
return item
--- Return the HTML of the infobox indicator component as string
--- @param data table {data, class, color, nopadding)
--- @return string html
function methodtable.renderIndicator( self, data )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderIndicator', 1, self, 'table' )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderIndicator', 2, data, 'table' )
if data == nil or data[ 'data' ] == nil or data[ 'data' ] == '' then return '' end
local html = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'infobox__indicators' )
local htmlClasses = {
if data[ 'class' ] then
table.insert( htmlClasses, data[ 'class' ] )
if data[ 'color' ] then
table.insert( htmlClasses, 'infobox__indicator--' .. data[ 'color' ] )
if data[ 'nopadding' ] == true then
table.insert( htmlClasses, 'infobox__indicator--nopadding' )
[ 'data' ] = data[ 'data' ],
[ 'class' ] = table.concat( htmlClasses, ' ' ),
row = true,
spacebetween = true
local item = tostring( html )
table.insert( self.entries, item )
return item
--- Return the HTML of the infobox header component as string
--- @param data table {title, subtitle, badge)
--- @return string html
function methodtable.renderHeader( self, data )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderHeader', 1, self, 'table' )
checkTypeMulti( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderHeader', 2, data, { 'table', 'string' } )
if type( data ) == 'string' then
data = {
title = data
if data == nil or data[ 'title' ] == nil then return '' end
local html = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'infobox__header' )
if data[ 'badge' ] then
html:tag( 'div' )
:addClass( 'infobox__item infobox__badge' )
:wikitext( data[ 'badge' ] )
local titleItem = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'infobox__item' )
titleItem:tag( 'div' )
:addClass( 'infobox__title' )
:wikitext( data[ 'title' ] )
if data[ 'subtitle' ] then
titleItem:tag( 'div' )
-- Subtitle is always data
:addClass( 'infobox__subtitle infobox__data' )
:wikitext( data[ 'subtitle' ] )
html:node( titleItem )
local item = tostring( html )
table.insert( self.entries, item )
return item
--- Wrap the HTML into an infobox section
--- @param data table {title, subtitle, content, border, col, class}
--- @param noInsert boolean whether to insert this section into the internal table table
--- @return string html
function methodtable.renderSection( self, data, noInsert )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderSection', 1, self, 'table' )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderSection', 2, data, 'table' )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderSection', 3, noInsert, 'boolean', true )
noInsert = noInsert or false
if type( data.content ) == 'table' then
data.content = table.concat( data.content )
if data == nil or data[ 'content' ] == nil or data[ 'content' ] == '' then return '' end
local html = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'infobox__section' )
if data[ 'title' ] then
local header = html:tag( 'div' ):addClass( 'infobox__sectionHeader' )
header:tag( 'div' )
:addClass( 'infobox__sectionTitle' )
:wikitext( data[ 'title' ] )
if data[ 'subtitle' ] then
header:tag( 'div' )
:addClass( 'infobox__sectionSubtitle' )
:wikitext( data[ 'subtitle' ] )
local content = html:tag( 'div' )
content:addClass( 'infobox__sectionContent' )
:wikitext( data[ 'content' ] )
if data[ 'border' ] == false then html:addClass( 'infobox__section--noborder' ) end
if data[ 'col' ] then content:addClass( 'infobox__grid--cols-' .. data[ 'col' ] ) end
if data[ 'class' ] then html:addClass( data[ 'class' ] ) end
local item = tostring( html )
if not noInsert then
table.insert( self.entries, item )
return item
--- Return the HTML of the infobox link button component as string
--- @param data table {label, link, page}
--- @return string html
function methodtable.renderLinkButton( self, data )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderLinkButton', 1, self, 'table' )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderLinkButton', 2, data, 'table' )
if data == nil or data[ 'label' ] == nil or (data[ 'link' ] == nil and data[ 'page' ] == nil) then return '' end
--- Render multiple linkButton when link is a table
if type( data[ 'link' ] ) == 'table' then
local htmls = {}
for i, url in ipairs( data[ 'link' ] ) do
table.insert( htmls,
self:renderLinkButton( {
label = mw.ustring.format( '%s %d', data[ 'label' ], i ),
link = url
} )
return table.concat( htmls )
local html = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'infobox__linkButton' )
if data[ 'link' ] then
html:wikitext( mw.ustring.format( '[%s %s]', restoreUnderscore( data[ 'link' ] ), data[ 'label' ] ) )
elseif data[ 'page' ] then
html:wikitext( mw.ustring.format( '[[%s|%s]]', data[ 'page' ], data[ 'label' ] ) )
return tostring( html )
--- Return the HTML of the infobox footer component as string
--- @param data table {content, button}
--- @return string html
function methodtable.renderFooter( self, data )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderFooter', 1, self, 'table' )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderFooter', 2, data, 'table' )
if data == nil then return '' end
-- Checks if an input is of type 'table' or 'string' and if it is not empty
local function isNonEmpty( input )
return (type( input ) == 'table' and next( input ) ~= nil) or (type( input ) == 'string' and #input > 0)
local hasContent = isNonEmpty( data[ 'content' ] )
local hasButton = isNonEmpty( data[ 'button' ] ) and isNonEmpty( data[ 'button' ][ 'content' ] ) and
isNonEmpty( data[ 'button' ][ 'label' ] )
if not hasContent and not hasButton then return '' end
local html = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'infobox__footer' )
if hasContent then
local content = data[ 'content' ]
if type( content ) == 'table' then content = table.concat( content ) end
html:addClass( 'infobox__footer--has-content' )
html:tag( 'div' )
:addClass( 'infobox__section' )
:wikitext( content )
if hasButton then
html:addClass( 'infobox__footer--has-button' )
local buttonData = data[ 'button' ]
local button = html:tag( 'div' ):addClass( 'infobox__button' )
local label = button:tag( 'div' ):addClass( 'infobox__buttonLabel' )
if buttonData[ 'icon' ] ~= nil then
label:wikitext( mw.ustring.format( '[[File:%s|16px|link=]]%s', buttonData[ 'icon' ], buttonData[ 'label' ] ) )
label:wikitext( buttonData[ 'label' ] )
if buttonData[ 'type' ] == 'link' then
button:tag( 'div' )
:addClass( 'infobox__buttonLink' )
:wikitext( buttonData[ 'content' ] )
elseif buttonData[ 'type' ] == 'popup' then
button:tag( 'div' )
:addClass( 'infobox__buttonCard' )
:wikitext( buttonData[ 'content' ] )
local item = tostring( html )
table.insert( self.entries, item )
return item
--- Return the HTML of the infobox footer button component as string
--- @param data table {icon, label, type, content}
--- @return string html
function methodtable.renderFooterButton( self, data )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderFooterButton', 1, self, 'table' )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderFooterButton', 2, data, 'table' )
if data == nil then return '' end
return self:renderFooter( { button = data } )
--- Return the HTML of the infobox item component as string
--- @param data table {label, data, desc, class, tooltip, icon, row, spacebetween, colspan)
--- @param content string|number|nil optional
--- @return string html
function methodtable.renderItem( self, data, content )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderItem', 1, self, 'table' )
checkTypeMulti( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderItem', 2, data, { 'table', 'string' } )
checkTypeMulti( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderItem', 3, content, { 'string', 'number', 'nil' } )
-- The arguments are not passed as a table
-- Allows to call this as box:renderItem( 'Label', 'Data' )
if content ~= nil then
data = {
label = data,
data = content
if data == nil or data[ 'data' ] == nil or data[ 'data' ] == '' then return '' end
if self.config.removeEmpty == true and data[ 'data' ] == self.config.emptyString then
return ''
local html = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'infobox__item' )
if data[ 'class' ] then html:addClass( data[ 'class' ] ) end
if data[ 'tooltip' ] then html:attr( 'title', data[ 'tooltip' ] ) end
if data[ 'row' ] == true then html:addClass( 'infobox__grid--row' ) end
if data[ 'spacebetween' ] == true then html:addClass( 'infobox__grid--space-between' ) end
if data[ 'colspan' ] then html:addClass( 'infobox__grid--col-span-' .. data[ 'colspan' ] ) end
local textWrapper = html
if data[ 'link' ] then
html:addClass( 'infobox__itemButton' )
html:tag( 'div' )
:addClass( 'infobox__itemButtonLink' )
:wikitext( mw.ustring.format( '[%s]', data[ 'link' ] ) )
elseif data[ 'page' ] then
html:addClass( 'infobox__itemButton' )
html:tag( 'div' )
:addClass( 'infobox__itemButtonLink' )
:wikitext( mw.ustring.format( '[[%s]]', data[ 'link' ] ) )
if data[ 'icon' ] then
html:addClass( 'infobox__item--hasIcon' )
html:tag( 'div' )
:addClass( 'infobox__icon' )
:wikitext( mw.ustring.format( '[[File:%s|16px|link=]]', data[ 'icon' ] ) )
-- Create wrapper for text to align with icon
textWrapper = html:tag( 'div' ):addClass( 'infobox__text' )
local dataOrder = { 'label', 'data', 'desc' }
for _, key in ipairs( dataOrder ) do
if data[ key ] then
if type( data[ key ] ) == 'table' then
data[ key ] = table.concat( data[ key ], ', ' )
textWrapper:tag( 'div' )
:addClass( 'infobox__' .. key )
:wikitext( data[ key ] )
-- Add arrow indicator as affordnance
if data[ 'link' ] or data[ 'page' ] then
html:tag( 'div' ):addClass( 'infobox__itemButtonArrow citizen-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-collapse' )
return tostring( html )
--- Wrap the infobox HTML
--- @param innerHtml string inner html of the infobox
--- @param snippetText string text used in snippet in mobile view
--- @return string html infobox html with templatestyles
function methodtable.renderInfobox( self, innerHtml, snippetText )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderInfobox', 1, self, 'table' )
checkTypeMulti( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderInfobox', 2, innerHtml, { 'table', 'string', 'nil' } )
checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderInfobox', 3, snippetText, 'string', true )
innerHtml = innerHtml or self.entries
if type( innerHtml ) == 'table' then
innerHtml = table.concat( self.entries )
local function renderSnippet()
if snippetText == nil then snippetText = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text end
local html = mw.html.create( 'div' )
:addClass( 'infobox__snippet mw-collapsible-toggle' )
:attr( 'role', 'button' )
:attr( 'aria-owns', 'infobox__content' )
:tag( 'div' )
:addClass( 'citizen-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-collapse' )
:tag( 'div' )
:addClass( 'infobox__data' )
:wikitext( mw.ustring.format( '%s:', t( 'label_quick_facts' ) ) )
:tag( 'div' )
:addClass( 'infobox__desc' )
:wikitext( snippetText )
return tostring( html )
local html = mw.html.create( 'div' )
:addClass( 'infobox floatright mw-collapsible' )
:wikitext( renderSnippet() )
:tag( 'div' )
:addClass( 'infobox__content mw-collapsible-content' )
:attr( 'id', 'infobox__content' )
:wikitext( innerHtml )
return tostring( html ) .. mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag {
name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = 'Module:InfoboxNeue/styles.css' }
} .. table.concat( self.categories )
--- Just an accessor for the class method
function methodtable.showDescIfDiff( s1, s2 )
return InfoboxNeue.showDescIfDiff( s1, s2 )
--- Format text to show comparison as desc text if two strings are different
--- @param s1 string|nil base
--- @param s2 string|nil comparsion
--- @return string|nil html
function InfoboxNeue.showDescIfDiff( s1, s2 )
if s1 == nil or s2 == nil or s1 == s2 then return s1 end
return mw.ustring.format( '%s <span class="infobox__desc">(%s)</span>', s1, s2 )
--- New Instance
--- @return table InfoboxNeue
function self, config )
local baseConfig = {
-- Flag to discard empty rows
removeEmpty = false,
-- Optional string which is valued as empty
emptyString = nil,
-- Display a placeholder image if addImage does not find an image
displayPlaceholder = true,
-- Placeholder Image
placeholderImage = 'Platzhalter.webp',
for k, v in pairs( config or {} ) do
baseConfig[ k ] = v
local instance = {
categories = {},
config = baseConfig,
entries = {}
setmetatable( instance, metatable )
return instance
--- Create an Infobox from args
--- @param frame table
--- @return string
function InfoboxNeue.fromArgs( frame )
local instance = InfoboxNeue:new()
local args = require( 'Module:Arguments' ).getArgs( frame )
local sections = {
{ content = {}, col = args[ 'col' ] or 2 }
local sectionMap = { default = 1 }
local currentSection
if args[ 'image' ] then
instance:renderImage( args[ 'image' ] )
if args[ 'indicator' ] then
instance:renderIndicator( {
data = args[ 'indicator' ],
class = args[ 'indicatorClass' ]
} )
if args[ 'title' ] then
instance:renderHeader( {
title = args[ 'title' ],
subtitle = args[ 'subtitle' ],
} )
for i = 1, 50, 1 do
if args[ 'section' .. i ] then
currentSection = args[ 'section' .. i ]
table.insert( sections, {
title = currentSection,
subtitle = args[ 'section-subtitle' .. i ],
col = args[ 'section-col' .. i ] or args[ 'col' ] or 3,
content = {}
} )
sectionMap[ currentSection ] = #sections
if args[ 'label' .. i ] and args[ 'content' .. i ] then
local sectionIndex = sectionMap[ currentSection ]
table.insert( sections[ sectionIndex ].content,
instance:renderItem( {
label = args[ 'label' .. i ],
data = args[ 'content' .. i ],
icon = args[ 'icon' .. i ] -- Pass the icon argument if provided
} )
for _, section in ipairs( sections ) do
instance:renderSection( {
title = section.title,
subtitle = section.subtitle,
col = section.col,
content = section.content,
} )
return instance:renderInfobox( nil, args[ 'snippet' ] )
mw.log("Adding item to section:", currentSection)
mw.log("Item label:", args['label' .. i], "Item content:", args['content' .. i])
return InfoboxNeue